If you are not satisfied or satisfied with your knees, you have come to the right place to know how to get rid of this fat. Fat can accumulate in different parts of our body and one of those areas is... Read more

Running faster without getting tired is not impossible if we take care of some aspects such as how to eat, hydrate and breathe, as well as wearing good shoes. Taking care of our diet will imply losing weight, by losing weight and... Read more

Are you ready to start running again? Perhaps you took time off due to an injury, lack of motivation, or work responsibilities that demanded your time. It can be overwhelming to get back into exercise after some time off, but it’s possible, and with... Read more

First of all, you should know that this beautiful sport allows us to get in touch with nature, a characteristic that is very well appreciated by many runners. However, you have to be aware that running in the mountains is not the... Read more